Have you been told or you have told someone let go and forgive, and wondered how to though? You may have been wronged or you may come across bad attitude, atrocious behaviour, immoral and dishonest people. Well, I have been cheated, wronged, and have been victim of all the above. And ever since have been seeking a way out to not to be a victim but a survivor! I have been looking to offload all these negative energy from such people and situations. The word I came across was Forgiveness. By letting go and forgiving someone, we don’t accept the bad, instead choose to heal the wound within us.
Easier, said than done. How do we do this? We find it extremely difficult to face people who have wronged us and have conversations of forgiveness, when they have not even felt sorry about it. If we say I forgive you to such people then they will retaliate and say but I never was wrong in the first place and they may place the blame on you instead!
How then can we break this cycle of blame and let go and forgive?
What I have learnt is we don’t have to have the person in front of us to let go and forgive, and that person need not be asking forgiveness nor do they have to be sorry for me to feel better. All I need is a meditation practice, reminding myself that we all are energy forms, and I can visualise forgiving the person without leaving my comfortable couch!
For that we have to understand our purposes of existence. Have you thought why you are here in this life? Certainly not for waking up everyday to make breakfast, work, pay bills, grocery shop, make dinner, and rinse and repeat next day. That is what it seems on the surface, when you actually look at the experiences in your life, it makes you think why did I have to go through what I went through?
Books have always been my greatest inspiration in life. In the book “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle. He talks about Evolution of our Consciousness is one of our purposes of life!

When you are set out on this path, you will discover that all life forms are energy. As I sit comfortably on my couch with my hot cup of coffee in the morning I visualise and say to my self —
So, these people or situations are made for me to grow out of resentment, they are gifts in my life that are presented to me to practice letting go and forgiveness. They are playing a part of the drama of life to help me evolve, grow my soul within.
This mindset shift definitely helped me see people and situations as passing clouds that cross my path to help me grow as a person. An immediate sense of gratitude and compassion grew within me, that made sense of what Letting go and forgiveness meant.
I also write a thank you letter to the person(s) or situations that have wronged me, thanking them for the experience I gained and lessons I learnt as a result of them, and in return for this I exchange forgiveness and release them from my energy field. Visualising the negativity leaving my body.
The same works on seeking forgiveness , its hard to do it sometimes to their face, writing down and seeking forgiveness to their energy form has helped a lot.
What do you think of Letting go and forgiveness? Is this something you would consider?
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